HyperANSI Registration Form 1.07 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please provide the following information, and include a Money order or check for $25 (US Funds) or $30 (CAN Funds) to receive the registered HyperANSI program (the latest release) plus ANSI files, or send an amount less than that to encourage the future development of HyperANSI, and mail it to: Mike D. Nelson 76 Olympus Ct #59 Sarnia, Ontario CANADA N7S 4S7 I can only accept personal cheques in US dollars drawn on US banks, OR in Canadian dollars drawn on Canadian banks. Money orders are preferred and will result in faster processing. Sending CASH is acceptable, but be careful! ======================================================================= Name : ______________________________________________________________ Street : _______________________________________ Apt : ____________ City : ________________________________ State/Prov: _________________ Country: ________________________________ Zip/Postal: _________________ Email : ______________________________________________________________ Are you a BBS sysop: _____ If yes, which BBS software _______________ Comment/Wishlist: (Write on back of form if needed) ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Amount : ________ US$/CANS ($25 US/ $30 CAN minumum needed for disk) Date : _________________________ Signature:__________________________ ============================ please print ============================= Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. Thank you for your support!